Pain relief and healing with combined therapy by Infrared rays and magnetic biostimulation. MBS Provides deep penetration, safe application, and proven effectiveness. By increasing blood supply and metabolism magnetic biostimulation and infrared rays can be used to treat the entire foot and ankle.

These are some indications where the MBS has been applied with great success….

  • Fractures
  • Connective tissue repair
  • Delayed wound and bone healing
  • Neuropathy (Common for Diabetics)
  • Sports Injuries
  • Decubitus ulcers
  • Chronic and Degenerative conditions
  • Acute and chronic inflammation
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Fibromyalgia

The therapeutic effect of magnetic Biostimulation is based on its stimulation of circulation, and the exchange of ions between the inner and outer cell wall. Both of these contribute to the overall functioning of the cell, and the whole body. The ability to have an effect at the cellular level is unique to magnetic field therapy, enabling it to reach parts of the body that other treatment methods cannot reach. Magnetic field treatments have a long history, dating back to 1530, and the MBS series is the newest and most effective form of the therapy to date.